Tina Rains | Thriving Through Loss

Journey for the heart, a book written by Elizabeth Mitchell. She talks about loss and how she overcame the loss. I highly recommend this book to all of you, ladies. I often hear many women talk about their losses and many are getting stuck. There are many forms of loss.

During the losses, we do question what is wrong with us. But there is nothing wrong with you. We all play a role in our losses and the process does allow growth and improvements in many areas of our life.

Process the grief, don't repress it! The Bible has many scriptures regarding loss. There are seasons when we all struggle. Here are some scriptures that helped me through my failures.

Even in the darkest times God always guides us in Proverb 23:4, Jeremiah 29:11,

Isaiah 43:2. God always gives us double portions for our biggest pain. God wants to give you hope and a future. Give yourself some grace because we will have bad days but cling to Him. Losses can be very traumatic. One thing that will help us to serve and be in the community. Despite the failures, I kept moving and thinking of others by serving. I learned tools that also helped me deal with my loss.

Masterpiece women have an excellent tribe. We are intentional about loving and thriving together. We are not meant to be alone. 

Loss of finances can be difficult to face. Having multiple streams of income can be helpful to consider. We have great wisdom in our group that can help you navigate your process.

Proverbs 21:20: There is desirable treasure, and oil in the dwelling of the wise, But a foolish man squanders it.


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