Tina Rains and Sheri Winesett | Transparent Leadership for Women who Mean Business


Sheri Winesett

Business Strategist & Leadership Coach

 Renowned for her engaging and thought-provoking speaking and coaching style, Sheri has left a lasting impact on leaders worldwide. From startups to multinational corporations, non-profits to government departments, companies seek Sheri's expertise to uncover organizational challenges and chart a transformative course for business and leadership success.

 Prior to founding Business Accelerators, LLC and serving as world top executive coach John Mattone’s Global COO, Sheri served as a franchise executive, international lobbyist, and trusted advisor to Fortune 100 companies. For nearly 20 years, Sheri has coached over 1000 entrepreneur’s CEO's executives and their teams to become the best version of themselves and become leaders that others want to follow while building cultures that attract and retain team members.

 Her friends and colleagues describe her as driven, fun, intelligent and loyal. Leading executives and their teams to their highest potential is her personal and professional mission. She empowers her clients to achieve personal growth, ongoing professional development, business and organizational success.

 Sheri is passionate about scaling business through people. She has helped companies increase their revenue by 46% in profit by 61% by helping leaders level up and coaching high performers to find their moral compass, lead with a big heart and develop a solid conviction to do the right thing.  

 Approachable, educational, and accessible, Sheri connects with entrepreneurs and seasoned leaders alike. In her upcoming book, "Transparent Leadership," Sheri delves into the essential elements for fostering a truly transparent culture. Drawing from personal experiences, she shares real-life examples of businesses and leaders she has guided to transformation.

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